Sample gas pumps
Messgaspumpen sind ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil von externen Systemen der Gasanalyse, wenn der Betriebsdruck des Prozesses nicht ausreicht um den benötigen Durchfluss zum Analysator zu erzeugen. Viele Anwendungen legen besonders hohe Maßstäbe an Messgaspumpen an bzgl. der chemischen Beständigkeit, der Verträglichkeit gegenüber Kondensat, Explosionsschutz, Dichtheit und Zuverlässigkeit. APM bietet ein breites Portfolio an Faltenbalgpumpen, Schwingankerpumpen und nichtelektrischen Injektorpumpen (Venturi-Düsen) an.
Electrically operated sample gas pumps
Oscillating pump SCP303
The sample gas umps 303 works according to the reliable ???

Bellows pump P1
The pumps of series P1x are small and very powerful sample gas pumps, which are designed for an installation into analysis cabinet.
Even humid sample gases do not mean any problems for sample gas pumps of series P1.x.
For application in explosive places a pump version with Atex-certification can be offered.

Bellows pump P2
Sample gas pumps of series P2x are possibly the most used sample gas pumps on the market.

Bellows pump P4
Sample gas pumps of series P4.x have beendesigned for use with two separate gas pathes or for applications where very high delivery rates are required. By this the application of several analysis pumps can be avoided.
These sample gas pumps reach technical peak values of 2×400/h or 2x800l/h. They are designed with two separate pump heads with one motor.
These pumps are operated with 115 or 230V AC at 50/60Hz. Suitable fixing angles are supplied as standard, a valve for a bypass applicaton can be supplied optionally.

Propellant-operated sample gas pumps
Sample gas pumps/ Injector pumpe - IJP63
The injector pumps IJP63 is a completely wear-free working analysis pump for sample gas delivery. This kind of sample gas pump works with suction. Because of the drive nozzle which works to the injector method, only a small quantity of drive gas is necessary. It is not necessary to provide electrical voltage, as the injector pumpe works completely without current.